Northgate High School’s Relationships, Sex & Health Education (RSHE) and Personal, Social, Health, Economic, Education (PSHE) programme is designed to be at the heart of our curriculum. Our aim is to deliver the lifelong learning that is essential to becoming a responsible and successful citizen of the future. The RSHE & PSHE curriculum programme ensures that all statutory statements are delivered through an embedded subject approach in Key Stage 3 and a Core programme in Key Stage 4.
Key Stage 3
What will students learn?
Students study the following units:
Year 7
- What Is Our Story? People are more alike than different
- Conflict: International, National and Individual
- Respectful Relationships
- Staying Safe Online
- Cells and Reproduction
Year 8
- Mental Health
- Rethinking Masculinity
- Global Issues
- The Geography of Crime
- Parliament & Law-making
Year 9
- Relationships & Families
- Prejudice & Discrimination
- Religion & Life
- Cybersecurity
How will students be taught?
In Year 7 the History department have an additional lesson to deliver the content of the RSHE & PSHE curriculum. Sex education is taught as part of the Science curriculum within Year 7 and is delivered during the spring term; parents and carers are notified before delivery of this unit of work. The topic is taught alongside the National Curriculum Science topic. In other year groups the RSE is not linked specifically to a science topic but will relate to it.
In Year 7 the Computing department is responsible for the delivery of Internet Safety and Online Harms which are taught on rotation. In Year 9 they are responsible for delivering the Online and Media content alongside their curriculum.
In Year 8 the Geography department have an additional lesson to deliver the content of the RSHE & PSHE curriculum.
In Year 9 the Religious Education department deliver the RSHE & PSHE content of the curriculum alongside their own scheme of work. A Career's curriculum that supports the Year 9 GCSE Options selection process is also delivered.
The Key Stage 3 Curriculum is supported by content from a wide range of other curriculum areas. Food Technology deliver the Healthy Eating content of the curriculum and the Physical Education department support Physical Health and Fitness through their Year 7, 8 and 9 curriculum.
How will students be assessed?
Students will be assessed within each unit, with a Bronze, Silver or Gold level awarded for each. Assessment will take different formats and are designed to replicate the key soft skills needed by future employers. Assessments will focus on:
- RESPECT shown to others
- Ability to demonstrate TEAMWORK
- Ability to show DETERMINATION
- Level of CONFIDENCE shown through your interaction with fellow students and your teachers
- Ability to COMMUNICATE clearly
Key Stage 4
What will students learn?
Students study the following units:
Year 10
- Intimate Sexual Relationships
- Health & Prevention
- Rethinking Masculinity & Relationships
- Religion, Crime, Punishment & Forgiveness
- Peace & Conflict
- Careers
Year 11
- Drugs, Alcohol, Tobacco & Being Safe
- Families & Basic First Aid
- Volunteering, Careers & Future Pathways
- Citizenship
- Rethinking Masculinity
How will students be taught?
In Years 10 and 11, RSHE & PSHE is delivered as part of the Core programme.
How will students be assessed?
Students will be assessed within each unit, with a Bronze, Silver or Gold level awarded for each. Assessment will take different formats and are designed to replicate the key soft skills needed by future employers. Assessments will focus on:
- RESPECT shown to others
- Ability to demonstrate TEAMWORK
- Ability to show DETERMINATION
- Level of CONFIDENCE shown through your interaction with fellow students and your teachers
- Ability to COMMUNICATE clearly