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Information for Parents & Carers

At Northgate High School we are committed to working with you to ensure that your child is able to make confident decisions about their options at the end of Year 11 and on leaving our Sixth Form. 

We will cover the range of options that are available, including sixth form, college, university, apprenticeships, employment and volunteering. Our local Further Education Colleges, Universities, employers and our alumni are invited in to school to help us carry out a range of careers and enterprise activities for students. Students take part in timetabled Careers lessons from Year 9 and access individual career appointments with our qualified Careers Advisers in Years 11, 12 and 13.  In addition to this, we run a programme of careers and enterprise events each year, which include enterprise days, Year 10 work experience, employer talks, college and university talks and visits, guest speakers in assemblies, school trips and workplace visits and our annual Oxbridge Conference. 

We welcome the opportunity to speak to parents at our open events, pathway evenings and options evenings and encourage parents to contact Mrs Calder, Careers Leader, to discuss specific aspects of our career provision or should they have any queries relating to their child.


Telephone 01473 210123


We are always pleased to hear your feedback on the careers activities that your child has taken part in and to also receive any general feedback on our Careers programme at Northgate. Please forward your feedback to our Careers Leader, Mrs Calder. 

We believe that by working with you, and ensuring that all students receive a high level of career information, advice and guidance, that they will be best placed to make decisions about their future.


Useful Careers Websites

There are a number of website resources under the Careers ‘Student’ section of our website that you may wish to explore with your child at home. The following website gives general advice about supporting your child by making decisions about future routes.



In addition to this, there is a further website below which you may find useful if your child is considering a university route. Parent Advisor includes information on university league tables, student finance and the university application process.



Northgate High School is not responsible for the content of external links.

Contact Us

Northgate High School
Sidegate Lane, Ipswich, IP4 3DL

Tel: 01473 210 123